Monday, April 25, 2011

Why you may not see a moose...

The moose are trying something new this year! Camouflage, yet! I've never seen moose this color - sort of a dirty white with lots of light brown - perfect for hiding in the woods this time of year. Can you spot the two moose in this photo?

We drove up the trail for our "Easter Treat" - and spotted these moose between Seagull and Sag enjoying lunch. There's quite a bit of open water at the Seagull landing - lots of ducks too. Sag landing didn't have as much open, no ducks, but far more than Poplar does. Of course we're at a much higher elevation, so we stay frozen longer.

The Cross River is also open, flowing great - all in all, there's a lot more open ground up the trail than there is here and between here and Grand Marais, but the forecast is for warmer temperatures and maybe some rain, which should open us up fairly quickly. I can tell the lake ice has changed... there are a few rotten spots, so it's at least "thinking" about melting.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A milestone!

Mike managed to get the truck down to outfitting and the water room today. Not that the snow is gone, by any means, and not that it isn't a rather exciting ride (especially through the deep snow by the canoe yard!) but we got there. And more to the point, the big shipping boxes that have been overflowing the house - new tents, new sleeping bags, tarps, packs, towel sets - are out of the house and - put away in outfitting and the water room. Wow!

As Mike says, "Gee, I can see the back door now!"

With any luck the ruts we cut in two round trips will help the snow melt faster and we'll be able to get some work done down there next week?

Just for fun, here's our Snowshoe Easter Bunny sitting in a bare patch (before last weekend's 7-9 inches of new snow) - he's starting to change color for summer - Joyous Easter to all of you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Poplar Lake ice at Rockwood

It was a little cooler (ok, a lot cooler) this morning so we don't have the two feet of open water at the canoe launch today... but you can see how thick the ice is two feet from shore! At least the beach launch area is free of snow - finally!

Mike and I have been doing a lot of walking, getting in shape for the season, and watching for signs of spring. The snowshoe hares are getting speckles of brown in their white coats, the crazy frittilary butterflies are fluttering around (how do they keep from freezing at night?), a few lonely pussy willows are starting to bloom, the martins are very active, and last night I saw something I'm not sure what it was ... just saw the hindquarters of an animal walking into the woods, about the size of a fox but grey-light brown black speckled fur and no tail that I noticed. Do you suppose we have a bobcat around?

Monday, April 11, 2011

It worked!

We got a heavy rain last night and Mike's hard work shoveling that drainage ditch paid off!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dreaming of Spring

Spring will arrive sooner or later, right? In the meantime, we've still got our share of snow, and it has really piled up behind the apartment-water building. So Mike's been clearing a drainage channel the last few days - it's quite a job since the snow drifts over his head and the building is only about 45 feet long! You can see behind him how it was piled up against the building. Yesterday we got about seven inches of new snow, since it's April, the snow is much heavier and wetter! One of our neighbors promptly got his snowmobile out and took off for an all day ride. We're actually seeing temperatures in the mid thirties though, so spring will get here eventually. It should be gorgeous when it arrives - we're melting slowly enough that when we start to green up - we should stay green. It's going to be a wonderful summer!