Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Very Special Guests in Cabin 7 This Week

While walking to the Lodge, Dad just happened to notice this Cow and Calves swimming straight across Poplar Lake this week. He had time to watch for awhile and then went to grab Mom and the camera. The wet, four hoofed threesome sauntered around the dock at Cabin 7 long enough for this photo and proceeded to walk up towards the cabin as if they were guests.

Not more than 10 minutes later... A bull moose proceeded to swim across the lake in almost the exact same line as mama and the kiddos. Hmmm... Rutting season is upon us. I've posted a photo of "Swimming Bull" on the Rockwood Lodge and Outfitters Facebook so you may view that side of the story by becoming a friend of and Liking that Facebook page.

Dad says there are moose hunters in the bunkhouse this week who mentioned this evening that they saw a cow and two calves just down the road. What Mike did not tell them was that the family of three has been sleeping near the warmth of Cabin 7 all week. Shhh - Swimming Bull must be nearby ;)

You may also notice in the photo that the trees are beginning to change quickly on the Gunflint. Mom told me they are as pretty as they have been in years. I've asked for a good photo so I may see myself and will certainly share it with each of you. She is tired, but doing well and determined as ever.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Live! From Rockwood Lodge

I just had the urge to type that since I am up here helping out.

What a great day today. Lin had her surgery this morning and the Dr.'s called it a success. She is recovering nicely, Mike is there and says she sounds better tonight than last night. We were very worried about the procedure and this is a huge relief. If she continues to recover well there is a chance they'll be home Friday. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers - they are felt.

Today is a beautiful day up here, I took pictures but can't find the USB cord to upload them to this computer. I've been watching the TV coverage of the Pagami Lake fire, but have yet to see any signs of the smoke since I have been here. Mike and Lin said we had a little the other day - but its been a beautiful scattered fluffy cloud kind of day, very pretty. There is no doubt this has been a big fire and we are very hopeful they get it snuffed soon. Access points are closed on the west side of the Gunflint Trail as of Wednesday to keep people safe, but we still have folks out in that area and they are not being forced back out. Meanwhile - new groups are gobbling up access points ono the east side of the Gunflint. We have no word yet how long the access points will continue to be closed. We get the same information anyone can get on the monnesota DNR wildfire page, but the Live view I can narrate right now is another beauty day at Rockwood.

I did get a jolt yesterday morning though when I arrived. Right when I reached Trail Center the snowflakes began to fall - then sleet - then bigger snowflakes. I took pictures of that too as you see here, although mostly to show off back home in Kansas City next week.

Let's hope the snow and sleet if it returns falls on the fire and ends that thing.



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lin Update and Grand Marais Family Tips

First, and most importantly, a Lin update.

Mom is doing better each and every day, conversations are getting longer and easier and I think her spirits remain high. Definitely some frustration at how slow things progress, but fully recognizing that gradual progress is a positive thing. The hospital finally decided to schedule corrective surgery for Thursday, September 15th. All is expected to go well, and the goal is to prevent another stroke from ever occurring. Typically, one night in hospital afterwards. I'll be trying my hand at keeping Rockwood Lodge a special place when Mike stays there with Lin. We feel your support and prayer - thank you.

Has been awhile since the last post here and we still have a couple of photo shoots from our adventures in 2011 in the BWCA to share. I have decided this time to let everyone know that young families can find fun in Grand Marais with relative ease.

First stop for us on a day trip during the week is typically the Grand Marais light house. Even when the spot light is not on young boys flock to it like flies in the dark. Sometimes, you get lucky and have the treat of a sea plane coming or going into the harbor.

Next, you march out toward the picturesque Artist Point for panoramic views of Lake Superior and the North Shore. The rocks provide plenty of opportunity for exploring, photography, drawing, and in our case young boy energy release. We've yet to be there for sunrise or sunset, but can only imagine how much more the colors contrast. If you happen to have a sunrise/set photo from here we'd love to see it posted on the Rockwood Facebook page.

One of our family traditions in Grand Marais is a snack at the World's Greatest Doughnuts. What a great area to license plate hunt for State's you missed on the trip. We typically burn a few of the new calories with some rock skipping into Superior just about 100 yards to the east of WGD. There appears to be an endless supply of perfect skipping rocks every time.

Lastly, as we end up the Gunflint Trail, no Grand Marais visit is complete without taking a few moments to stop and glance over the harbor from the top of the lookout on the mountain. I think a lot of visitors miss this view point, Gunflint Trail visitors should not.