Friday, March 14, 2014

English Springer, Minnows and a Lone Wolf

Last month we went to Wisconsin and brought home a rescued English Springer Spaniel named Chance. We have quickly adjusted to having a dog once again in our lives and Chance is happy to be free of pens and crates. He is quickly working on learning his obedience commands and should be ready to welcome visitors to our lodge this summer. However, we suspect that we may have a problem with keeping him out of Poplar Lake once the ice comes off.

Lat week we had a visit from another type of canine. We had a bucket of frozen minnows outside the shop that one of our guest gave us. When Chance and I when out to play fetch with a tennis ball the minnows and the bucket were gone! Lots of wolf tracks and a wild Chance. We followed the tracks out to the Gunflint Trail and saw here the wolf had decided to visit our neighbor.

Based on Facebook postings, there is a wolf that is actively looking for food at homes all along Poplar Lake. This photo has him eating from a bird feeder -- the date and time on the camera are not correct. Once our snow starts to melt the "wildlife" will retreat back into the wilderness. This winter's deep snow has everyone looking for easier places to walk like: plowed roads, snowmobile tracks and shoveled walkways. Meanwhile, everyone up here is advised to keep their pets close.