Despite the fact that we still have knee-deep snow around
here, there are hints of spring starting to show up everywhere. The snow piles are shrinking, there's a bit of grass showing along their edges, and the mail lady reports that the skunks are coming out of hibernation - she's seen quite a few along the road this week. The red squirrels have been very active, and judging from the tracks, so have the snowshoe hares. "Beep Beep," the little owl, is still nearby and still calling for a friend.
The population around the bird feeders is changing - we're seeing quite a few new guests. There are juncos and purple finches and another bird I can't identify - and another new guest. The fox has been up on the porch several times looking in the windows and he's also been prowling around under the feeders. He's certainly a handsome fellow - if a lazy one - looking for a handout?
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