Saturday, April 24, 2010

Still sunny in the BWCA

Mike's working on making it rain up here! He figures that if we have the sprinkler system up and running we'll get some rain... we really need it. We have a total fire ban across all of northern Minnesota - includes the west half of the BWCA as well as our eastern half - no campfires, no outside burning, we can't even grill a couple hamburgers on the charcoal grill. We really need a good soaking rain or two... or three!

So, the sprinklers are running... to encourage those rain clouds down south to move a little further north! I think maybe I'll go wash my car?

In the meantime, the resort water system is charged and ready to go, I've been working on the cabins, and Mike's been doing a bit of painting along with hooking up water lines (no water in them yet, it's still a little early - that rain we're hoping for could be snow, which would be fine...) - we're getting ready for guests!
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1 comment:

  1. Tell Mike to stock the lake with big hungry walleyes. Mary and I are considering coming up tp Rockwood in June. We had such a great time last year but that no fire zone worries me!
