I went down to Duluth with my neighbor yesterday on a special errand - my job on these trips is "designated deer spotter" and, just for fun, I was looking for more of our "deer jumping OUT of the road" signs. This one is just over the line into Lake County. Anyway, a little ways past the sign, I spotted brown legs jumping over the snow pile at the edge of the road a ways ahead and called "deer, on the left, brakes!" as designated deer spotters are supposed to... My friend braked with plenty of room - and as the big brown animal crossed the road I said "gee, that deer's moving funny?"
My friend half turned to me and said, "Lin, that's a wolf." It was, too, a big brown wolf trotting off down off the side of the road like he owned it.
We're all thinking that maybe my special errand was a little important - aren't you glad I have new glasses? We are!
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