Record warm March temperatures across the Northland have certainly affected the view from our living room windows. Instead of a snow covered lake with snow mobile tracks we are looking at black honeycombed rotten ice. By the early afternoon the north shoreline has stretches of open water!
We normally expect ice out to occur around the first of May. Last year the lake opened up on May 10th. which was the same day that it opened in 2008. Lin and I definitely remember the year that we had to cancel reservations for fishing opener because the lake was still frozen. This year it looks like we could have an early ice out and low lake levels. The earliest ice out we have experienced since moving up to the "Trail" occurred in 2010 -- April 4th.
About those "White Rabbits" -- the snowshoe hares are still in their white winter coats and really stand out against the bare ground.
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