Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saying goodbye

One of the hardest things about having a resort is making new friends and then saying goodbye. With our wonderful guests, of course, we can keep in contact and there's always next summer! With our student assistants... well, Chen left for home a couple weeks ago and yesterday we said goodbye to Winnie. Both are headed back to school for their final year and then... whatever.

We were blessed with good kids this year - and we'll miss them! Hopefully they'll have wonderful school years and go on to great careers in their home country - but saying goodbye wasn't easy.

Now... Mike's starting to drain cabins, I'm cleaning them for the final weekend... and then? Winter's coming!
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Last duck of the season at Rockwood

Well, all of the smart ducks seem to have flown south for the winter, leaving poor "Quacker" behind. Quacker has no web between two of her toes, so maybe she got left out of the flock? Anyways, she's found a couple of bread toting duck feeders to keep her fed - here she is waiting patiently in front of the lodge for the next handout.

Things are quieting down a bit, lots of cabin guests but not as many canoe groups - enough to keep us busy, though! It's been chilly the last few mornings - no freeze yet, but some frost. Mike ordered insulation for water pipes and WinNe and I took all the flowers in yesterday, so we're getting ready for winter!
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Monday, September 6, 2010

Gorgeous morning!

Happy Labor Day! Fall is arriving... this morning the lake was warmer than the air, which produced this incredible view of our lakeshore - lots of mist, lots of sunshine - perfect canoeing weather!
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