Friday, October 29, 2010

Winter's coming

It's been a busy, busy month around here. We've (finally) got the water system drained, the cabins closed, the canoes pretty much indoors for the winter... we've had a lot of October guests this year - canoe parties enjoying the unusual weather. It's been warm and dry most of October (well, warm for here!).

That pretty much came to a screeching whoa this week - we finally got some rain, over four inches! followed by some snow (not much) and the temperatures dropped below freezing. The lake actually came up so that the measuring stick is back in the water after spending three months sitting in dirt! What with the warm - above freezing anyway - weather and the dry conditions things are a little confused - we have pussy willows budding out up by the shop. On the other hand, I saw one of the snowshoe hares last night and he has pretty white feet and a white belly already!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Where's "Waldo"?

What an incredible October we're having! Mike had to stay up one night to keep the pipes open, otherwise it's been beautiful, warm, sunny... perfect weather. One of our canoe groups this past weekend even went swimming! When you remember that this time last year we had snow - lots of snow - this is hard to believe. We aren't pressing our luck, today we're closing the cabins for the winter; the apartment suite we'll keep open a while longer as it doesn't depend on above ground water lines.

Hunting season has been good too - lots of grouse around. Saturday morning I watched a male grouse displaying himself to two bemused females - neither of them were especially interested and I don't blame them - it is October after all! There are two grouse in this photo, hard to see among the leaves, aren't they! They were waiting for me at the lodge Sunday morning, not wanting a handout, just poking around in the rocks along the front wall. We're also seeing quite a few moose, snowshoe hares, foxes, and wolves along the trail. The leaves are pretty well fallen, but it's sure nice to be outdoors enjoying the Gunflint Trail and BWCA!
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