Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lake Trout --The Other Red Meat

Well the open season for Lake Trout fishing outside the BWCAW finally arrived and I have not been very good about sharing some pictures. Lake Trout are a natually aggresssive fish which is one of the reasons they are so fun to catch. They are usually larger than stream trout and are known for being fighters. Best of all, they are a great tasting fish that are especially healthy for you to eat.  

Before moving to Minnesota we use to enjoy catching and eating Rainbow and Brown trout. But after feasting on Walleye and Perch for several years our eating preferences drifted away from stream trout.  While we still don't enjoy the taste of steam trout we have acquired a fondness for Lake Trout.

Last week the nighttime low temperatures were in the negative low thirties and the highs never reached above 0 degrees. For the next couple of days the lows are forecasted to be 40 degrees higher that what we had last week and the highs should be in the twenties.  (I have to admit that ice fishing is much more enjoyable then the temperatures are above 0 degrees.) Tomorrow we have to go into town to get some more minnows! There is a nearby lake that is full of Lake Trout that seems to be calling out my name.

A Couple of Fillets Ready for the Pan

Friday, January 18, 2013

Living with Snow

Dreaming of Summer

Planning a canoe trip

Enjoying Winter

                                                                       Playing Hide and Seek

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Snow Groomer Parked For Now

We went to town yesterday and discovered that there is very little snow remaining once you drop down the hill into Grand Marais. A strong wind was blowing across the harbor and creating a rolling wave along the seawall by the Guard Station parking lot. In fact, the parking lot was covered by spray coming over the top of the seawall. The wind was so strong that when the carryout at the grocery store try to load some groceries in the back of a pickup that it blew the roll-top cover over the pickup cab.

Up the trail there is still snow cover but nothing like we are use to or like we would hope to have. I took the photo on the right today. This is the road down to the Poplar Lake boat ramp that is never plowed!  Normally this road in not passable in the winter and is only used by snowmobiles. 

The forecast for tonight is rain turning to snow later followed with below 0 temperatures starting on Sunday. Great, just in time for the Trout fishing opener this weekend on the lakes outside the BWCAW. 

We're hoping for a lot of snow so that the groomer has something to do. The trails have a nice packed base but fresh snow always makes for a better ride. When I was in Iowa last weekend there was more snow on the ground between New Hampton and Rochester than what we have up here in the Northland.