Monday, May 13, 2013

Ending "Iced In" -- Poplar Lake 2013

When I woke up this morning the temperature was a chilly 22 degrees.  The cold temperatures over  last weekend did little to move us towards "ice out"on Poplar Lake. What little open water we had late yesterday froze and it will take a couple hours of sunshine today before we get back to where we were. The good news this that the weatherman has finally turned optimistic. 

We drove around yesterday to see for ourselves how the lakes along the Gunflint Trail are doing.  Some of the smaller shallower lakes like Little Iron are ice free while the larger deeper lakes appear to have areas that are still choked with ice.  We would suggest checking with a local cooperator to make sure that you can paddle into the BWCAW before heading north for a canoe trip this week.

Daytime temperatures in the upper 60s with nighttime temperatures in the 40s are forecasted for most of this week.  A couple days of warm temperatures should go a long ways towards opening our lakes.  It always amazes us how fast the ice departs once it finally warms up.

 I am going to turn on the resort's water system today and not worry about  freezing nightime temperatures until late September!    

Rockwood Canoe Launch Area -- May 12th

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