Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday Guest and Holiday Plans

We're in the middle of the Holiday Season and things have not managed to slow down much here at the Lodge. Our cabins are closed and the canoes are all put away for the winter but before we can get something done two more "jobs" seem to crop up for our "to do" list. A few of the little jobs that still require attention include: order outfitting food, update our Health Department License, clear the driveway so we can get a propane delivery, recharge the pressure tank for the lake water system, and update our website. However, one of our more important tasks is to relax and take advantage of the slow time to spend time together.

Thanksgiving Guest
 Lin and I were alone for Thanksgiving. Well, we actually had a fox invite herself to our Thanksgiving dinner. She showed up about an hour before the turkey was done and stayed for handouts after we finished eating. She visited us for about a week seeking handouts from us and a family that was staying the Lakeside Apartment.

We had planned to do our family road trip last week but the unusually cold weather and a nearly empty propane tank has forced a change of plans. Our local weather have had nighttime temperatures in the negative teens and we have been lucky to get daytime temps above zero. We still get out several evenings a week to visit our neighbors but the Lakeside Apartment may become our refuge if the propane delivery doesn't happen soon.   

Mid- January is a busy time for outfitters here on the Gunflint Trail. The BWCAW entry permits become available on a first-come-first served basis beginning at 9 am on January 29, 2014. We'll be busy helping people making trip plans and reserving entry permits. We certainly plan on enjoying our quiet time over the next four weeks.

Happy holidays to you and your family. We hope you get a chance to enjoy them as much as we do.  

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