Sunday, March 6, 2011


Pretty quiet around here these days, though there have been a few more snowmobiles around the last week or so. I hear there are a few crappies getting caught across from the resort as well as a few walleye! Mike's antique sled doesn't like the deep snow, so he hasn't been out.

Lots of snow... an inch or so at a time, it's snowing lightly right now. The forecast calls for more as the week progresses - must be March? Our little red squirrels have tunnels all over the yard, here's one popping up to check for whatever's around - he apparently has carried sunflower seeds from beneath the feeder down to his entry hole. All of a sudden we have squirrels all over, sometimes they meet in the tunnels and you hear squirrel battles, followed by a very angry squirrel popping up at both ends! The birds are flocking, and Mike says he saw a Canada Jay carrying nesting materials yesterday. Spring is coming... just very slowly!

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